+86 13764267999


Alan 2019-2-22 18:26 5261

摘要:  2019年2月14日,根据澳洲移民局的要求,VETASSESS开始要求申请在提供雇佣证据中明确表明确切的工作起止日期。雇佣证据可以包括:工资单,税单,推荐信。



Employment Length Calculation Change

VETASSESS currently uses only month and year to calculate the employment dates. As of 14 February 2019, we will be considering the exact date, including day, month and year for the Date Deemed Skilled to align with the Department of Home Affairs requirement for the date an applicant’s employment is considered ‘skilled’.

Please note that we will continue to retrieve these dates from official documents only. Supporting employment documentation can include payslips, tax returns, and a statement of service from your employer clearly indicating the exact period of employment and if applicable, any period of unpaid leave. 

DiZ Global

迪智教育移民(DiZ Global) 本着专业诚信,贴心透明的服务宗旨,专注于为客户提供专业的澳洲定居|置业|投资咨询服务。公司由行业内多名资深顾问、澳洲注册移民代理(Registered Migration Agent)、律师(Barrister)以及注册会计师合作加盟成立,总部设在上海,并在墨尔本,佩斯和阿德莱德设有办事机构。



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